
Around the World in Jewelry (2h30)

Around the World in Jewelry

Discover the evolution of jewelry through eras and civilizations.

What is "jewelry"? Why are we attracted to it? Every civilization - every era - has provided its own answers. 
From Africa and Asia to Oceania, the Americas and Europe, this world tour invites you to discover the materials, know-how, and styles that have shaped jewelry, in both the past and present.


About the course

Whether you are attracted by gemstones, interested in the history of jewelry or in the different jewelry professions, these two and a half hours will guide you on the path to knowledge.


Sit back and relax

  • The course is given by an art historian and a gemologist.
  • You are welcomed by your teachers before the class starts: a chance to meet each other and share experiences.
  • You don’t need to bring any specific material.
  • A certificate is given at the end of the class.
  • After each class, teachers deliver a list of books, podcasts, websites, museums related to the course attended.

High-quality education

L'ÉCOLE as education and research center has a scientific council.

A very unique faculty

All the teachers are passionate experts chosen for their enthusiasm and skill in transmitting their knowledge.


Skills are presented with ease in an enjoyable way, hands-on experience and dialogue. Classes are for everyone with no pre-requisites.

Exclusive interaction

Courses are delivered in small groups to allow students to discuss one-on-one with the experts.

Twin Villas Facade


